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  • Kufr Kana Hub Manager | hasoub

    Kufr Kana Hub Manager Position Full time 100% Kufr Kana Hasoub is an impact-driven social venture that aims to promote innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship within Arab society. Our goal is to help create a more productive Arab community, prospering with entrepreneurship and innovation, and a more diverse and inclusive start-up ecosystem. Hasoub and Klika will run an innovation hub in Fufr Kana, therefore, we are looking for a Hub Manager who can be responsible for all aspects related to the day to day management of the Hub. The Program Manager will plan, manage, and execute all projects and logistics associated with the Hub events and activities. Responsibilities Develop and execute annual events and activities for the Hub programs. Coordinate the creation of the Hub Programs calendar of major events and activities. Manage schedules and deadlines for the Hub to maximize operational effectiveness. Provide weekly project updates for the CEO. Manage the Hub team to ensure alignment with the Hub’s program goals and spirit, quality of work, and efficient use of resources. Onboard startups, SMBs & Freelancers and manage the hub offices and co-working space. Track, monitor and report on planned vs. actual expenses for the Hub program. Build best practices and seek continuous improvement for the Hub. Coordinate all marketing and PR efforts related to the Hub (e.g., press announcements, articles, speaking engagements, industry events). Qualifications Knowledge and Skills Proactive, self-starter, and results oriented. Strong organizational and project management skills with ability to adapt well to change. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Advanced skills in negotiations and cost-cutting strategies. Ability to make decisions under pressure by being professional at all times. Strong creative problem solving and process improvement skills. Ability to anticipate potential challenges and prepare solutions. Education and Experience background Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience. At least three to five years of experience in management. Proven experience leading diverse teams and multiple stakeholders to successfully execute large, complex projects. High-Tech related background is an advantage. Contact us Please send your CV and a motivation letter in English by ​Monday, 22nd February, 2021 to with the title ​Kufr Kana - Hub Manager ​. Shortlisted candidates will only be contacted for an interview.

  • Frontend Program-Based on AI

    Frontend Program-Based on AI Training program combining learning and familiarity with AI-based technologies in collaboration with Bezeq. A newly designed 4.5-month training course that is compatible with part-time employment. The training is led by top industry lecturers and includes professional guidance until integration into the job market. Outstanding participants will have the opportunity to intern at leading high-tech companies upon completion of the training. APPLY NOW Duration The course duration is four and a half months – two and a half days of online studies in addition to self-study at home. ​ Period: August - January Mondays: half day Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9 AM to 5 PM Format Online Language Hebrew & English Requirements High analytical abilities and very good command of English. Ability for self-learning. High motivation to integrate into software development roles. Technologies HTML CSS Javascript React Mentorship and Job Assistance Benefit from mentorship and guidance throughout the program, and receive assistance in finding job opportunities in the backend field. Flexible Syllabus Highlights Pre Course Basic UI with Figma Basic Bash Commands VSCode HTML /CSS HTML Fundamentals CSS Styling and Layout Flexbox + CSS Grid Advanced CSS Selectors JavaScript JavaScript Basics Asynchronous JS Advanced topics: event loop, scope, closure, error handeling DOM Manipulation and Event Handling React React Essentials: JSX, components and hooks and routing. Integrating external APIs Global State with Context API Developement Tools Git: branches, and collaboration Github Clean Code Technological Interview Mastering Presenting a project Problem solving Algorithmic questions Practical Training Group project, industry work flow and standards, agile methodology, dailies, code reviews, deployment Soft Skills CV Linkedin and networking Self presentation HR Questions Meet volunteers from the industry Network with people from the field Simulations and Career workshops COMMITMENT FEE Our programs are fully subsidized. In order to ensure commitment a fee is charged. ENROLL NOW! Take the first step towards a successful career in Front-end. Click below to apply now. APPLY NOW ABOUT HASOUB LABS Hasoub Labs is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering innovation within the Arab community. We offer a range of programs and resources to support startup growth and success. APPLESEEDS Our esteemed partner, Appleseeds, is renowned for its expertise in technological innovation and professional development. They provide comprehensive programs and mentorship to help individuals thrive in the business world. SUPPORTED BY PARTNERS CONTACT We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to say hello, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact

  • Investors Club | Hasoub

    اعلى الصفحة تواصل معنا انضم الان من نحن الشركاء Investors 1 Investors 2 Investors 3 Investors 4 Investors 5 Investors 6 استثمارات ذات معنى Apply now من نحن من نحن بالشراكة مع مؤسسة Edmond De Rothschild و IDC و Vintage Investment Partners جمعية حاسوب تطلق "نادي المستثمرين العرب" - وهي مبادرة رائدة تهدف إلى إنشاء مجتمع حصري من رجال الأعمال العرب ذوي الخبرة وكبار التقنيين والمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يسعون إلى تعزيز معرفتهم وشبكتهم في عالم الاستثمارات في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية المعلومات من خلال الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة الواعدة والمشاريع التكنولوجية. من نحن بالشراكة مع مؤسسة Edmond De Rothschild و IDC و Vintage Investment Partners جمعية حاسوب تطلق "نادي المستثمرين العرب" - وهي مبادرة رائدة تهدف إلى إنشاء مجتمع حصري من رجال الأعمال العرب ذوي الخبرة وكبار التقنيين والمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يسعون إلى تعزيز معرفتهم وشبكتهم في عالم الاستثمارات في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية المعلومات من خلال الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة الواعدة والمشاريع التكنولوجية. بالشراكة مع مؤسسة Edmond De Rothschild و IDC و Vintage Investment Partners جمعية حاسوب تطلق "نادي المستثمرين العرب" - وهي مبادرة رائدة تهدف إلى إنشاء مجتمع حصري من رجال الأعمال العرب ذوي الخبرة وكبار التقنيين والمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يسعون إلى تعزيز معرفتهم وشبكتهم في عالم الاستثمارات في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية المعلومات من خلال الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة الواعدة والمشاريع التكنولوجية. بالشراكة مع مؤسسة Edmond De Rothschild و IDC و Vintage Investment Partners جمعية حاسوب تطلق "نادي المستثمرين العرب" - وهي مبادرة رائدة تهدف إلى إنشاء مجتمع حصري من رجال الأعمال العرب ذوي الخبرة وكبار التقنيين والمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يسعون إلى تعزيز معرفتهم وشبكتهم في عالم الاستثمارات في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية المعلومات من خلال الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة الواعدة والمشاريع التكنولوجية. بالشراكة مع مؤسسة Edmond De Rothschild و IDC و Vintage Investment Partners جمعية حاسوب تطلق "نادي المستثمرين العرب" - وهي مبادرة رائدة تهدف إلى إنشاء مجتمع حصري من رجال الأعمال العرب ذوي الخبرة وكبار التقنيين والمديرين التنفيذيين الذين يسعون إلى تعزيز معرفتهم وشبكتهم في عالم الاستثمارات في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية المعلومات من خلال الاستثمار في الشركات الناشئة الواعدة والمشاريع التكنولوجية. لماذا نادي المستثمرين العرب؟ لقاء مع مستثمرين من جميع انحاء العالم لقاء مع مستثمرين من جميع انحاء العالم فرص استثمارية كبيرة فرص استثمارية كبيرة هدفنا الرئيسي خلق واقع جديد نشهد فيه صفقات استثمارية بقيادة مستثمرين عرب استثمر انمو ​ اثر الاستراتيجية والتشغيل The program is designed to empower its members with both theoretical and practical training. 01 The first phase, that will be delivered by The Knowledge Center for Innovation at the Technion, aims to enrich the participants' theoretical background, covering the following topics: The Local Ecosystem, Angel Investor Journey, Fundraising Process, Investment Process’s Milestones and it'll end with Roadshow and Investment Simulations. 02 The second phase of the program, in cooperation with Vintage Investment Partners and HiCenter، focuses more on exposing the club members to success stories, trends and best practices in the world of Venture Capital investments. 03 Once the training period is over, all participants will be able to get a club membership where they will enjoy ongoing network events, exclusive meetups, and access to investments opportunities through demo days and pitching events. اللجنة الاستشارية President & CEO at Tamir Fishman Ventures أحمد مواسي ​ أحمد مواسي ​ Co-Founder of Alpha Omega Corporate Vice President - System Verification Group at Cadence Design Systems أحمد مواسي ​ Founder & Chairman at Babcom Center أحمد مواسي ​ أحمد مواسي ​ Of Counsel at Pearl Cohen Zedek Latzer Baratz Accountant, Director & Co-Manager at deloitte أحمد مواسي ​ Principal at NfX أحمد مواسي ​ أحمد مواسي ​ Arab Society Director at Edmond de Rothschild Foundation Senior Associate at Vintage Investment Partners Ameer Awadiyeh الشركاء الشركاء انضم الان أفضل وقت لإجراء تغيير كبير هو الآن سجل الآن واحفظ مقعدك في المجموعة القادمة من نادي المستثمرين العرب سجل هنا تواصل معنا تواصل معنا نود أن نسمع منك ​ 052-645-3930 ​ Sandra Ashhab

  • Backend bootcamp

    BACKEND BOOTCAMP UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL IN CODING WITH BACKEND BOOTCAMP Join us on this bootcamp and learn all you need to know to become the next best backend engineer! Backend bootcamp is suitable for people with coding background who can commit to 6 months of intensive learning (including 2 months practicum). During the 6 months there will be hackathon, projects, and at least 4 visits to tech companies. APPLY NOW Duration 4 months of learning, 2 months practicum. From February - August (2024) Days: Sunday- Wednesday , 09:00-17:00 Format Online Language Hebrew Mentorship and Job Assistance Benefit from mentorship and guidance throughout the program, and receive assistance in finding job opportunities in the backend field. PROGRAM STRUCTURE Duration: 640 hours of learning in 4 months, 300 hours of practicum in 2 months, 6 months in total. Programming Language Intro to computing Basic approach to coding (pseudo code and flowcharts) Java or C# Using an IDE, debugging and test cases Using source control for single developer Programing should include all the basics – literals, typing, variables, flow control, loops, functions, modularity, etc. Structural, modular, OOP, Functional programming General algorithms and data structures Abstract Data Types Bits and Bytes Numbering bases Binary Decimal transformations Hexadecimal and octal Bitwise operations ASCII Debugging and testing Unit testing. Integration testing. Functional Testing. End to end Testing. Acceptance tests. Regression testing. Smoke/sanity testing Other testing methodologies Databases RDBMS properties Relational model SQL DB design (ERD and table normalization) JDBC (or any other driver) MySQL NoSQL, CAP theorem Document store – Mongo DB Extra - elastic search, Redis, neo4j, verctorDB Advanced programing topics Software design SOLID/SoC Etc. Design patterns Software engineering Multi-threaded and multi-process systems Multi-tier architecture MVC pattern WebSocket Servers and client/server Monolith Vs micro services Micro services on the cloud Web technologies Java script web development http/https Reactive programming node.js PHP Web APIs Web servers – apache Web servers – Nginx WordPress Crud Servers Writing a CRUD server - endpoints, communications with DBs etc. Web Security CIA triangle Firewalls and other security devices (server and network hardening) Encryptions and hashing Keys Certifications SSO https Basic attack taxonomy, common web attacks (injections, ddos Etc.) and how to prevent them. Main web security flows General Networking Networking basics – OSI model Internet model (ipv4) "System Design: Scalability, Availability, Latency Etc." Principles learning about the terms Improving related metrics Mock system design interviews Performance Backend relevant metrics Metrics - cpu usage, memory usage Cloud Infrastructure and Devops Cloud providers Cloud core services CI / CD principles and tools Genkins Ansible Docker K8s AI and LLMs Basic terminology Data and data modeling How to develop ML project (CRISP) How does LLM works Meet volunteers from the industry Network with people from the field Simulations and Career workshops COMMITMENT FEE Our programs are fully subsidized. In order to ensure commitment a fee is charged. ENROLL NOW! Take the first step towards a successful career in Backend. Click below to apply now. APPLY NOW ABOUT HASOUB LABS Hasoub Labs is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and fostering innovation within the Arab community. We offer a range of programs and resources to support startup growth and success. APPLESEEDS Our esteemed partner, Appleseeds, is renowned for its expertise in entrepreneurship and professional development. They provide comprehensive programs and mentorship to help individuals thrive in the business world. SUPPORTED BY PARTNERS CONTACT We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, feedback, or just want to say hello, don’t hesitate to reach out! Contact

  • Hasoub Conference 2021 | Hasoub

    Sign up About Goals Program Audience Speakers Sponsors Job Fair Archive Sign Up Add to calender 17.12.2021 Golden Crown Nazareth Green Pass Required For the 4th consecutive year, Hasoub is holding the biggest tech-entrepreneurship event in the Arab society, Hasoub’s annual conference, that will take place on 17.12.2021 in Nazareth. The theme of this conference is The Change From Within to spotlight the success stories and the huge untapped potential of our community, bringing together all of Hasoub’s stakeholders in one place ( investors, entrepreneurs, engineers & students…). This conference is a huge opportunity not only for networking with like-minded peers and getting exposed to the opportunities among us, but also for giving a platform to celebrate the achievements of those of us who made it far and are role models for other aspiring entrepreneurs. With over 500 attendees and tens of speakers taking part, our conference. About Goals Fostering networking among various stakeholders. ​ Igniting dialogue around tech-entrepreneurship from within Arab society. ​ Exposing participants to programs, opportunities and role models from the ecosystem. Goals Program Gathering, Registration & Networking 12:00-13:00 Opening remarks 13:00-13:15 Opening keynote 13:15-14:00 - Yaniv Garty - Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk - Rony Friedman Panel: HighTech companies in the Arab society 14:00-14:30 - Nawa Jahshan - Moderator - Jhonny Abdallah - Othman Alshiekh - Faris Rezik - Dr.Hatem Yazbak - Dr.Tamer Salman "From 0 - 100" by Hasan Abassi 14:30-14:45 Panel: What does it take to be an entrepreneur? 14:45-15:15 - Lina Maudlej- Moderator - Dr.Peter Siman - Dr.Israa Sharkia - Dr.Hisham Taha - Wajde Zabet - Dr.Halim Jubran Break: Lunch and networking 15:15-15:45 "The role of the Government in supporting the change" Hassan Towafra 1 on 1 With Muna Omari 15:45 - 16:00 Panel: Angels leading the change 16:00-16:30 - Maram Hussein - Moderator - Mohammad Shreem - Omar Alem - Marwa Zoabi - Alaa Afifi - Dr. Morshed Farhat - Kheir Abdel Razek "What you can do with a $20 ?" by Adham Ghazali 16:30-16:45 Panel: Here and beyond 16:45-17:15 - Rabea Zioud - Moderator - Areen Shahbari - Adham Ghazali - Ali Ayoub Dabkeh Performance Break 17:15-17:30 "Go out there and rock" by Opher Vishnia 17:30-17:45 Panel: Our students, Our Future 17:45-18:15 - Dr. Slava Novgorodov - Moderator - Shada Abo Ras - Baraa Baryeh - Lana Saabne - Aseel Idilbi - Malik Aghbaria - Anan Maalouf - Abdallah Sakran Panel: HighTech for non coders 18:15-18:45 - Hasan Abu Shally - Moderator - Amani Briek - Qassam Atme - Muhammad Abd Alqader - Amal Aun - Saja Kabaha Closing Ceremony 18:45-19:00 Program Target Audience Students HighTech Employees Entrepreneurs Businessmen Investors Audience Speakers Dr. Hatem Yazbek Technical Director PhD at Broadcom Dr. Hasan Abasi Co-Founder & CEO of HAAT Yaniv Garty Intel Israel CEO and VP at Intel Global Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk Corporate Vice President at Microsoft Corporation Rony Friedman Apple Israel Manager Johny Abdallah Amdocs VP of Engineering and Nazareth Site Manager Nawa Jahshan Batshon CEO at Co-Impact Jumana Hakim D&I Communities Manager and Project North Leader Adham Ghazali Co-Founder at Imagry Dr. Tamer Salman Principal Research Manager - Microsoft Faris Rezek R&D Director & Salesforce Nazareth Site Lead Wagde Zabit Senior Software Engineer & Co-Founder at Orca Security Ali Ayoub Senior Director Nvidia Co- founder at HAAT Areen Shahbari CEO of Shahbari Training and Consultancy and Cactus International Muhammad Abd El Qader Sales Development Representative at AppsFlyer Othman Alshekh CEO - Siraj Technologies Dr. Israa Sharkia Co-Founder and VP of R&D at of Senseera Health. PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Halim Jubran PhD, Co-Founder & CEO at Phytolon ltd. Hassan Towafra Director General at Authority for the Economic Development of the Arab minority Dr.Hesham Taha CEO and Co-founder of Teramount. Ph.D in Applied Physics Dr. Slava Novgorodov Applied Research Scientist at eBay and Lecturer at Tel Aviv University Amanie Brik Program Manager at Google Research Maram Hussein IC Lead at Vintage Investment Partners, Board Member at Kav Mashve Dr. Peter Siman Chief Executive Officer at IntraGel LTD Muna Omari Conference Host Mohamed Shrem CEO of Orout Haamakim. Director at Shrem Group Dr. Morshed Farhat CEO Director General, Assuta Haifa Hospital Omar Alem CPA,VP at Alem Group Marwa Zouabi Idustrial Engineer, Economist & Financial Consultant CEO at Compass 360 Ala`a Afifi Vice President Of Global Business Development at AFIFI GROUP Opher Vishnia Lead Creative Developer at Eko Abdalla Sakran Biology Student at BGU | Hasoub Campus Director and Website Manger | Co-Founder at TecHub AiO Lina Maudlej Computer Systems Engineer at Saja Kabaha Public Affairs Specialist at Intel Corporation Qassam Atme Enablement Specialist at Malik Egbarya Computer Science Student , Hasoub Campus Director and Ambassador At Rothschild Ambassadors Program Lana Saabne Computer science and mathematics Student at TAU Aseel Idilbi Test and development engineer at intel, Campus director, pairs alumna and student at Technion Anan A. Maalouf Co-Founder Lectio Ph.D. Candidate at The New School Baraah Baryhe Biomedical Engineering student at Technion intern at GE Shatha Abu Rass Occupational therapist at Sheba Tel Hashomer Hospital, Master student in Occupational Therapy Hasan Abu Shally Founder & Board member at Haosub Product Manager at Riseup Kheir Abdel Razek Program Manager -Israel Innovation Authority - Societal Challenges Division Speakers Team Rabea Zioud Co-Founder & CEO Sandra Ashhab VP & Arab Angels Club Lead Mahmoud Zidan Chief Creative Officer Yara Aun Pairs Program Manager & Job Fair Manager Abdalla Sakran Website Vampire Besan Wattad Community Manager & Queen of allnighters Khadra Anabosy PR Specialist Unicorn Mohammad Moslimany Director of Photography Job Fair Job Fair Sponsors Sponsors Previous Conferences Archive Stay tuned

  • Hasoub Conference 2022 | Hasoub

    About For the 5th consecutive year, Hasoub is holding the biggest tech-entrepreneurship event in the Arab society, Hasoub’s annual conference, that will take place on 16.9.2022 in Ar'ara. ​ This is a unique conference and holds a special value as it is also the opening of our Garage in Arara, the first Hub dedicated to the Arab population in general, and in the triangle area specifically. We’re honored to take this huge step towards bringing the ecosystem closer to our community and vice versa. ​ This conference is a huge opportunity for focusing on the importance of infrastructure as well as accessibility and the role they play in promoting a technological and entrepreneurial ecosystem that is diverse, inclusive and aware of the untapped potential that the Arab community has to offer. Join us, be part of this huge event. 16.09.2022 Hasoub Garage - Ar'ara See The Transformation CONFERENCE TIMELINE This year's conference will have multiple activities, some specific for certain audiences such as students, hi-tech employees and investors. Please make sure to sign up for the relevant activities to you and make sure not to miss the main event! Jump to the main event 11:00 - 14:15 Job Fair / Workshops The job fair is an opportunity to meet with employees from multiple companies and hear from them about their work, their openings and about your options in joining them. Over 15 companies are joining us in Ar’ara and will be at the conference, you don’t want to miss them. ​ In parallel to the job fair, 5 workshops will take place in separate spaces in the Garage, companies will run workshops that require registration. Workshop #2 Dapr: The Glue to Your Microservices The Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) is an open-source project by Microsoft for building reliable, event-driven, distributed Microservices. Dapr is portable, language-agnostic, and can run on any cloud or even on-prem. In this session, we'll introduce Dapr and demonstrate how to use it to build a distributed, cloud-native, microservices application using various programming languages and frameworks that can run virtually anywhere. Moaid Hathot Developer @ Microsoft, Ex- Azure MVP, Software Architect Workshop #4 Thank You For Asking Sawa community at AppsFlyer will share first hand personal stories, professional tips and best practices. Workshop #5 Entrepreneurship & Business, Opportunities & Challenges What are the challenges that entrepreneur face, and how they can identify opportunities. Diverse international background and 20+ years of experience in leading teams on complex projects . Held key management position, PWC, Deloitte and Teva pharmaceutical industries. Certified public accountant, internal auditor and risk manager Active volunteer in the field of absorption of minorities in the work force, tackling underemployment, and breaking glass ceilings. Workshop will be in English Hanadi Said CEO & Co-Founder Sensai Networks 12:30 - 14:00 Registration, Gathering, and Lunch We’ll gather, register your presence and have a tasty meal to get fueled for the main stage. 14:15 - 15:00 Kickoff of the Main stage (Opening Remarks) Kicking off the main stage with Hasoub’s CEO and the opening remarks. OPENING REMARKS TIMELINE 14:15 - 14:20 Aiman Saif Chairman of Hasoub 14:20 - 14:25 Mudar Younis Head of the Ara-Arara Authority, Chairman of the National Committee of Arab Local Authorities in Israel 14:25 - 14:30 Steffen Seibert German Ambassador 14:35 - 14:40 Yossi Vardi Angel Investor 14:45 - 14:50 Julius von Freytag-Loringhoven Head of FNF Jerusalem 14:55 - 15:00 Yossi Mattias VP at Google, Engineering and Head of Israel Eng Center 15:05 - 15:10 Rabea Zioud Co-Founder & CEO at Hasoub 15:00 - 15:30 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony You will witness the grand opening of the long awaited Hasoub Garage! Main event 15:30 - 19:00 Keynote Speakers, Panels, and startup pitches The main stage event, you’ll enjoy some of the best content of the late hi-tech, entrepreneurship and business talks featuring some of the most inspiring people around us. MAIN STAGE TIMELINE 15:30 - 15:50 Reda Masarwa (Keynote speaker) Vice President of Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Operation for Intel Corporation 15:50 - 16:10 Hasoub Garage future (Panel) - Yara Aun - Pairs Program Manager & Job Fair Manager - Anat Tzur - CEO of Appleseeds - Aron Zucker - Executive Director, MassChallenge Israel - Rabea Zioud - Co-Founder & CEO at Hasoub - Khaled Afifi 16:10 - 16:30 Oren Kaniel (Keynote speaker) CEO & Co-Founder of AppsFlyer 16:50 - 17:00 Assaf Patir (Keynote speaker) Chief Economist of Start-up Nation Policy Institute 17:00 - 17:20 The entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Arab society - Status, Challenges and Opportunities (Panel) - Inbal Orpaz - Strategic Innovation Consultant - Hilly Hirt - Program Officer - Impact entrepreneurship at the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation Israel - Dr. Assaf Kovo - Chief Economist at Israel Innovation Authority - Dov Moran - Managing Partner, Grove Ventures Aziz Kaddan - CEO at Myndlift Brain Health Andrea Frahm - Innovation Lead Helmholtz Israel, Israel Rep. BVMW, Founder TechMatch 17:20 - 17:40 The entrepreneurial journey (Panel) - Ruba Warwar - Journalist and Director of Contents and Programs - Makan TV - Dr. Hasan Abasi - Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of HAAT - Lina Yaasin - CEO & Founder of Numo, Organizational & Agile consultant - Prof. Abd Al-Roof Higazi - Head, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Division of Laboratories, Hadassah University Hospitals, Jerusalem 17:40 - 17:50 Halim Jubran (Keynote speaker) Co-Founder & CEO at Phytolon ltd 17:50 - 18:10 Impact of current crises on angel investing (Panel) - Sandra Ashhab - VP & Arab Angels Club Lead - Ray Milhem - Founder & CEO of MILHEM DTL, LLC - Irit Israeli-Kahana - Managing partner at AfterDox - Yair Sakov - Founder and Managing Director at Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center - Hanan Farhat - Hardware Engineer at Apple 18:10 - 18:30 Closing Ceremony 18:10 - 18:30 Closing Ceremony Transformation GARAGE TRANSFORMATION SPEAKERS Yossi Vardi Serial Investor and Entrepreneur Reda Masarwa Vice President of Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Operation for Intel Corporation Inbal Orpaz Strategic Innovation Consultant Yair Sakov Founder and Managing Director Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Center Yossi Matias VP at Google, Engineering and Head of Israel Eng Center Sandra Ashhab VP & Arab Angels Club Lead Hanan Farhat Hardware Engineer at Apple Mahmoud Kinana Chief Executive Officer at Kideo Mudar Younis Head of the Ara-Arara Authority, Chairman of the National Committee of Arab Local Authorities in Israel Oren Kaniel CEO & Co-Founder of AppsFlyer Prof. Abd Al-Roof Higazi Head, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Division of Laboratories, Hadassah University Hospitals, Jerusalem. Ruba warwar Journalist and Director of Contents and Programs - Makan TV Dr. Hasan Abasi Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of HAAT Hilly Hirt Program Officer - Impact entrepreneurship at the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation Israel. Dana Zoabi Logic Design Engineer at Intel Hasan Abo-Shally Founder of Hasoub Aiman Saif Chairman of Hasoub Anat Tzur CEO of Appleseeds Halim Jubran Co-Founder & CEO at Phytolon ltd Ray Milhem Founder & CEO of MILHEM DTL, LLC Dov Moran Managing Partner, Grove Ventures Andrea Frahm Innovation Lead Helmholtz Israel, Israel Rep. BVMW, Founder TechMatch Khaled Afifi Afifi Group Rabea Zioud Co-Founder & CEO at Hasoub Aaron Zucker Executive Director, MassChallenge Israel Yoav Manor Partner ,High-Tech & Venture Capital Practice, Shibolet & Co Dr. Lina Yassin CEO & Founder of Numo, Organizational & Agile consultant Aida Kaddan Conference Host Rifat Mana Product Manager at AppsFlyer Sawsan Chacour Channel Partner Manager at Steffen Seibert Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Israel Assaf Patir Chief Economist of Start-up Nation Policy Institute Irit Israeli-Kahana Managing partner at AfterDox Aziz Kaddan CEO at Myndlift Brain Health Mustafa Qablawi Conference Host Nadia Zoabi Backend java developer at salesforce Dr. Assaf Kovo Chief Economist VOLUNTEERS Amjad Aslan Lana Saabne Hanan Hedar Hassan Afnan Abomukh Tasnem Abo Fool Yazan Shanbour Fawzeya Masoud Adan Ganem Yuosef Jumhur Majd taha Noor Abdelkader Yara Hijaze Abdalla Salama Haya Sleman Yasmin Zaid Zedan Awad Mahmoud Jabarin Morsy Hajoj Raneem Kharbush Abed Elkader Awaisy Mariam Dahabrh Aya Mostafa Nassra Omar Abo mokh Sohaib Zoabi Nmarik Masri Hosni Abo Mokh Bassel Nseir Moin Arz Mattar Dna Kadan Besan Assi Miriam Msarwa Ali Younis Manar Jabareen Tarek Badran Roba Barham Layan Anabosi Leen Sweilem Aseel Idlibi Sara Msarwa TEAM Rabea Zioud Co-Founder & CEO Mahmood Zidan Supreme Leader of design Sandra Ashhab VP & Arab Angels Club Lead Abdalla Sakran Website Manager Yara Aun Pairs Program Manager & Job Fair Manager Hala Kawar Office Manager & Project Coordinator Besan Wattad Conference coordinator & Main Stage Manager Ron Barzilay Data Science Intern Amany Dayif Resource Development officer SPONSORS MEDIA PARTNERS Whats after the event? Stay Connected! And don’t miss on our upcoming inspiring events, and become a member of Hasoub’s growing community!

  • Hasoub Conference 2020 | Hasoub

    08.12.2020 For more information and updates Sign Up Now Add to calender Agenda 1:00PM -1:30PM Opening Remarks Mr. Aiman Saif and Mr. Rabea Zioud will welcome the audience to The New Normal Conference . 1:30PM - 1:45PM Prof. Yossi Matias, VP Engineering, Search & AI Research at Google Prof. Matias is the Vice President of Engineering, at Google, Search, and AI. He is the global leader of Crisis Response efforts; He is also the founding managing director of Google's R&D Center in Israel and the founding co-lead of Google's for Social Good initiative. Prof. Matias is a recipient of the Godel Prize and is an ACM Fellow. He is a recipient of the 2019 ACM Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for seminal work on the foundations of streaming algorithms and their application to large-scale data analytics. The main idea of this discussion revolves around the post-COVID-19 era consequences and how to accommodate with the current situation along with ensuring successful business operations. 1:45pm - 2:10pm Panel Arab Municipalities within our New Normal COVID-19 pandemic has forced every country and institution around the globe to adopt new modes of working. It has made us realize the advancement of technology that we were not aware of. We have opened to diversity day by day. One of the fine examples of this is remote working. Remote working has given us a chance to work outside the traditional office. In some Arab villages and cities, a third lockdown was imposed because of growing corona cases. The rising question for the Arab municipalities is that, are they ready to avoid another wave of Coronavirus? How pandemic has brought pressure to the Arab municipal staff and how they responded to the outbreak. To be more precise, what measurements and adaptations have they embraced to lower the number of increasing cases and how they managed to ensure the health of their community in this pandemic? The coronavirus pandemic caused major distress and forced the municipalities to respond in emergencies with different and unbiased approaches. In the following situation, how are they responding to the 'new normal'? Panelists: Mr. Aiman Saif , Chairman at Hasoub, Head of the Coronavirus Administration in the Arab Society Dr. Yousef Awawdi , Mayor of Kafr Kanna Mr. Mudar Younis , Mayor of Ara - Arara & Head of the National committee of Arab Mayors Dr. Muhammad Nabari , Former Mayor of Hura, CEO at Yanabia 2:10pm - 2:40pm Panel Career Development and Community Engagement Moderator: Ms. Jumana Hakim , D&I Communities Manager and Project North Leader Community plays a significant role in the development of its individuals. For instance, our network is an outstanding epitome of coordination. How do we help each other? How the community is shaped by the needs of the individuals. How the community can boost confidence and conversion rate. Community and individuals are interdependent because it is the community which inculcates positivity and optimism in individuals. To what extent the success of an individual depends on the community? How collective action responds to community development and how it helps in generating solutions? How far is the connection important to reserve the community? How can these communities be maintained in the long run? Panelists: Ms. Reem Amara , Firmware Engineer at Intel Corporation, AIC active member, AWSc team leader Mr. Hazem Khattab , Hi-Tech Sector Manager / YCC Forum Manager at Co-Impact Ms. Tala Khazen, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience and a COO in AWSc forum Mr. Samer Aamar , Senior Software Engineer and Data Scientist, Dynamics365 Recommendation 2:40pm - 3:00pm Panel Work from Home: Pros and Cons Will remote working become the new normal? Employers and workers have adapted new ways to get their work done. How this change is affecting our lives? What are the benefits and drawbacks of remote working? How workplace technology has decreased the distance of boundaries and opened ways for new opportunities? How working from home is affecting our personal and professional life? Panelists: Mr. Louai Ghalia , Software Developer at eko Ms. Duna Wattad, Physical Design Engineer at Apple Mr. Shadi Rian , Cyber Security Team Lead/ Full Stack Engineer at ZoomInfo Mr. Saeed Kharouf , Logic Design Engineer at Qualcomm 3:00pm - 3:20pm Fireside Chat: Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk, Microsoft Corporate Vice president, Cloud & AI security CTO, Israel R&D Center General Manager Microsoft is one of the leading tech companies in the world, the company products in almost every house and organization. Microsoft is the first company to open an R&D site in an Arab city, In Nazareth. Recently Microsoft was ranked as the best workplace in the High tech industry according to the rating of Dun and Bradstreet. Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk is Microsoft Corporate Vice president, Cloud & AI security CTO, Israel R&D Center General Manager. The session will focus on her journey, Microsoft and the role of its R&D sites, the New Normal, and how the Arab society can better integrate into the tech industry. Interviewing Michal, Ms. Nawa Jahshan, CEO of Co-impact the partnership for a breakthrough in Arab employment. Nawa has extensive knowledge in working with big corporations and multinational companies in order to better engage the Arab society in the workforce. 3:20pm - 3:25pm Arab Angel Investor Club, Founders club Updates 3:25pm - 3:50pm Panel Start-ups: survival and prosperity What are the impacts of the pandemic on entrepreneurship? What are the challenges and opportunities to be an entrepreneur during the covid-19? What are the new windows of opportunities for the entrepreneurs in the post Covid-19 world? What are your suggestions for them to take full benefits of these opportunities? What do you suggest for start-ups that are facing multiple problems due to pandemic? They should make necessary changes to their businesses, or they take important measures to switch to remote working or what about completely new business models Panelists Ms. Hanadi Said , CEO at Sensai Dr. Hasan Abasi , Founder & CEO at HAAT Mr. Aziz Kaddan , Co-founder & CEO at Myndlift 3:50pm - 4:10pm Fireside Chat: Maty Zwaig, CEO of Scale-Up Velocity by Start-Up Nation Central What about start-up nation central. Is it only in Tel Aviv or is it really central and inclusive? Is the experience of the working team the only way to solve the issues and bridge the gap. Or what other solutions are there in mind? 4:15pm - 4:40pm Panel The Venture Capital in the New Normal How to make the right decisions during and after the covid-19 era, with respect to new opportunities from investment and profit-making view? As change is the only constant, how would you see people taking the risk in new ventures and businesses because of opportunities created by the Covid-19.? Panelists ​ Mr. Habib Hazzan, Managing General Partner of Ibtikar VC Mr. Fadi Swidan, VP Marketing and Business Development, Takwin VC Mr. Mohamed Hibi, CPA, Partner, Professional Department and Director of Nazareth Office, Deloitte 4:40pm - 5:00pm Fireside Chat: Anya Eldan- VP Innovation Authority Start-up strategies and innovation ​ How much potential is needed to invest in Arab start-ups? How can this potential bring positive outcomes? 4:55pm-5:15 pm Fireside Chat: Prof. Jihad Elsanaa - Dean of CS at BGU Pandemic has impacted every sphere of life. It has changed each and every institution and even the social behaviour of the public. Similarly, the educational framework has changed a lot. How would you assist students and professionals to get maximum advantages of these novel concepts? 5:15pm-5:40pm Panel Power Skills for Jobs of the Future How the new normal increased the chances for the minorities? How diversity unfolded more opportunities? How remote working has changed working conditions? In the long run, how would you see this diversity helpful for the development of the global community? 5:40pm -6:00 pm Fireside Chat: Yuval Hofshy- CTO eko CTO and VP R&D at eko, choice-driven content creation and publishing platform.Yuval started programming at age twelve and launched his first venture when he was sixteen years old. He lead the development of products and services across many industries, from consumer electronics and manufacturing, to cloud-based products which serve millions of users. Yuval has been a part of some of Israel’s most outstanding tech achievements and some of its glorious failures. He learned a lot doing both. He also volunteers at schools, where he teaches software to kids. 6:00pm - 6:25pm Panel Impacts of COVID-19 on global innovation How pandemic will affect investment in global innovation? Where Global-Innovation stands in Pandemic? Are global innovation hubs in crisis or emerging stronger? How is the new normal changing the rules of the game? Panelists: Leena Zoabi Abu Mukh , Head for International Cooperation at Skolkovo Foundation Jumana Muwafi , Senior Vice President at Synopsys Inc, IP Solutions Dona Haj , Director of the UK Israel Tech Hub Anna Marti , Head Global Innovation Hub Omar Hassan , Managing Director at Global Growth Hub Armin Reinartz, Former Director at Global Innovation Hub & Greater China Unit, Friedrich Naumann Foundation 6:25pm - 6:55pm Campus Startup Cup 2020 - Final A three months annual student competition takes place which is specially designed for the extra-ordinary candidates. It provides a window of opportunity for ambitious students to get all the necessary information for their start-ups. This program is open to all students irrespective of their educational institutions and degrees. In the beginning, 14 groups joined the project this year, 5 were selected during the semi-pitch stage and at the end, 3 winners will be selected during the conference. 6:55pm - 7:00pm Closing Speakers Prof. Yossi Matias Dr. Yousef Awawdi Jumana Hakim Daher Kaiss Michal Braverman-Blumenstyk Nawa Jahshan Hazem khattab Maty Zwaig Anya Eldan Tala Khazen Samer Aamar Mudar Younis Fadi Swidan Mahmoud Kinana Habib Hazzan Louai Ghalia Yuval Hofshy Dr. Muhammad Nabari Leena Zoabi Abu Mukh Omar Hassan Saeed Kharouf Shadi Rayan Partners Sponsors Community Partners Check out the previous Hasoub Conference Stay tuned

  • Hasoub Garage | hasoub

    H ASOUB GARAGE Background ​ During the past 4 years we’ve conducted several events and programs in places like Google Campus, Microsoft space, WeWork and other co-working spaces in Tel-Aviv area, and there we’ve experienced and learned how vital such places are to the ecosystem, and how is it that when a place is nearby and accessible people start to gather and communities start to form. So, we believe that bringing such centers to our society will help facilitating innovation, helping entrepreneurs, inspiring younger ones and hopefully shifting the mindset of our society towards entrepreneurship to positively impact our economy. ​ ​ The Garage ​ HASOUB GARAGE is our innovation and technology center and coworking space for entrepreneurs from the Arab minority in Israel. It’s located in Wadi-Ara in the triangle area where there are 6 major Arab cities and 23 villages, total of 300,000 citizens. The current building is 500m2, and it’s part of a planned 11,000m2 project for culture, education and economic development in the area. The main goal of the center is to facilitate entrepreneurship and innovation in the area through programs for entrepreneurs and investors, in addition to providing educational programs and help inspiring the coming generations. ​ In the Garage ​ Coworking Space + Incubator for entrepreneurs Acceleration Program + angel investments program Workshops & Sessions + community events We're getting closer t o finish stage 1 The construction works in Hasoub Garage are up and running, as we are moving forward into the finals stages of the project, we need your support to get it done with no further delays. Donate Now We need your support to get it done with no further delays 1,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ Other - Contact Us

  • About | hasoub

    Hasoub started when two young and passionate Arab technologists decided in 2014 to start meeting weekly to hack, learn and create things together. Week after another, the two became five, the five became 20, and the 20 turned into an entire community - a community for Arab technologists and entrepreneurs by Arab technologists and entrepreneurs. We were all sharing an amazing time and experience, but at the same time we also shared the pain of exclusion (and its financial consequences on our society). We decided to act, and in Jan 2015 Hasoub’s first public event was conducted, discussing tech-entrepreneurship in our own Arab towns and villages. Eventually, this community turned into a grassroots movement, engaging thousands of participants in dozens of projects and events. Along the way it seemed that wherever we looked there was a need, so we ended up working with so many different segmentations in our community, ranging from kids to student to entrepreneurs and engineers. And we tried to answer multiple pains and needs, from raising awareness to employment to facilitating entrepreneurship. But moving forward and shifting from a social movement to an organization, we knew we should be focusing. And after a long and deep process, we came to the realization that we should be focusing filling the pipeline with more potential Arab entrepreneurs, and to this by building communities around tech-entrepreneurship to empower university students and early-stage entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, network and resources they need to pursue their dreams and build their startups. Currently Hasoub’s does this through two main platforms: “Hasoub On Campus” and “Hasoub In Town”.

  • Administrative Manager | hasoub

    Office Manager Hasoub is a grassroots NGO paving the way for the coming generation of Arab tech-entrepreneurs and early-stage investors. Our goal is to help create a more productive Arab society, prospering with entrepreneurship and innovation. We are constantly growing our programs and activities, and are on the lookout for the newest addition to our dynamic and unique team! We are seeking an office manager who can manage the administrative issues at Hasoub, assists with CEO tasks, handels basic accounting materials, and manages paperwork for various authorities. Requirements: 1-3 years of administrative assistant experience Preference for previous experience working in a startup or non-profit Experience in accounting work - an advantage. Ability to work independently, with multiple interface work and to multitask. Good English proficiency. OFFICE software control. Preference for familiarity with Valid driver’s license Work in our WeWOrk office in Haifa Part-time work (50%) Hasoub is an equal opportunity workplace, all genders are welcome to apply. Apply Now Need to connect?

  • For Mentors CSC | hasoub

    Why should you apply As a Mentor? Make a difference You can change your mentee’s lives! With your experience you can help your mentees succeed Join a network You will be joining a team of amazing mentors who are willing to help students succeed, you will meet inspiring students and make new friends. What it means to be a Mentor? One-on-one mentoring between teams and experts in the field You will be paired with teams - who are interested in getting ​ feedback and help develop their start up further according to your field of expertise ​ 6-8 hours of your support can have a great impact. As a mentor, you will provide teams with encouragement, support, tips and tricks throughout the whole process. Apply as a Mentor

  • Hacking the Crime | hasoub

    Hasoub desires to help develop solutions to the complex problems in the community using technology, innovative solutions by thinking outside the box. Technology has created new opportunities to bring about social change and solve problems and challenges in society; new technologies have tremendous potential to contribute to preventing violence and crime in the community. ​ We are looking for the great minds of entrepreneurs, engineers, developers, social activists, teachers, social worker economists, innovators, students, designers, scientists, influencers, doctors, manufacturers, consultants, campaigners, investors, brand managers, athletes, actors, industry experts, adventurers young and old etc. REGISTER AS A PARTICIPANT Septermber 24-25, 2021 Nazareth Industrial Park THE GOAL The goal is to develop solutions to crime and violence problems in an innovative way by thinking outside the box, recruiting technological talent, and developing solutions that involve all relevant factors. Technology has created new opportunities to bring about social change and solve problems and challenges in society; new technologies can potentially prevent violence and crime in the community. TIMELINE Friday 24.9.2021 8:00-9:45 Registration and Breakfast 10:00 Opening remarks 11:00 Kicking off the hacking 14:00 Lunch 15:00 Problem solving 16:00 Back to Hack 20:00 Ice-cream Break 24:00 Midnight Pizza 00:00-09:00 Overnight Hacking Saturday 25.9.2021 9:00-10:00 Breakfast 10:00 Business Model Canvas 10:45 Back to Hack 14:00 Lunch 15:00 Hacking and pitching rehearsals 18:00 The finals (Pitching the Ideas) 20:00 Winners announcement and closing The Challenges Violence against women Domestic violence Bullying in schools Organized crime Shoot - and - kill crimes Violence against children WHO CAN JOIN? Students High-tech employees Entrepreneurs Graphic designers Social activists REGISTER AS A PARTICIPANT HELP FIGHT CRIME REGISTER AS A MENTOR PARTNERS Ages 20+ COMMUNITY PARTNERS Ages 20+ TEAM Rabea Zioud Co-Founder & CEO at Hasoub Yara Aun Project Manager at Hasoub Sandra Ashhab VP of Organisational Development & Arab Angels Club Lead at Hasoub Besan Wattad Network Manager at Hasoub Alaa Kryeem Senior security software engineer, Microsoft Gassan Tabajah Staff Software Engineer at Intel Corporation Orsan Awawdi Senior DevOps Engineer at BMC Software A Project By

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